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How do I sign out equipment?


Step One: Click on your Calendar, then click “Create” and give it a name. We require Room/Wing and your name. (IE:RM-D101/CWing BMEHERG)

Step Two: Make sure you uncheck "All day" and then select the correct start and end time/day you want to sign out the resource. Do not add anything under the "Where" field because it will mess up the event if you sign out more than one item. Make sure under Calendar, you select your calendar.

Step Three: Over to the far right you will see "Add:Guest | Rooms, etc.” Please click on Rooms, etc. and then “BCS” in order to view all of the resources available.  Once you find the resource you want click “ADD” beside the item you want.  If an item does not show up for the time you specified then it is not available and you will need to pick another time or resource.  Also remember to be conscientious about signing things out “All day” as resources are limited and there a lot of people to use them.

If you need to sign out a resource for multiple days then you want to use the repeat option and select the time you want, but make sure you only repeat each day.  If you repeat several days then that item will show not available for the entire time.

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Article details
Article ID: 10
Category: General Computer Assitance
Date added: 12-01-2011 12:18:54
Views: 1150
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.5/5.0 (19)

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